Arborist Sales Reporting

For companies in the tree care industry, sales reporting is completely unique when compared to other fields. ArboStar was designed by arborists and is therefore keenly aware of this, which is why they have developed the broadest reporting functionality in the industry.

Arborist Sales Reporting

The goal of every tree-care company is to make profits while providing its services. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint what or who is contributing to the business’s success. This is because many factors come into play in the sales process, and it can be difficult to ascertain which sales channels are working, and which are not.

ArboStar provides a designated module that enables you to track your sales statistics and make changes accordingly.

Sales reporting helps you to be confident when making decisions that impact the future of your company. ArboStar also uses custom reporting features that allow you to choose exactly which metrics you want to report on. These reports can then be exported as PDFs, allowing you to share them with team members or your accounting department.

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ArboStar Sales Reporting Feature

Sales Cost

Sales Cost

Use this module to precisely determine the ROI of your various marketing efforts, and see how efficient each of your initiatives is, both individually and combined.

Scale the sales channels with the lowest selling value and correct weaknesses in unprofitable channels. Fix mistakes and capitalize on your strengths and continue to grow your business and outwit your competitors. The ArboStar sales reporting system will help you achieve your maximum potential.

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Team Efficiency

Team Efficiency

With the help of ArboStar, you can easily visually see the effectiveness of any team member. With the help of viewing man-hour-rates on the ArboStar app, you can see how much value each and every employee physically brings to the table, including the revenue they generate, their wage, their attendance record, and many other useful metrics. Based on this data, you can make personnel decisions that will best help your company going forward.

Look at your business through the prism of numbers and graphs provided by ArboStar analytics. Generate branded visualizations of a multitude of metrics to help you and your team better digest raw data and turn it into actionable resources.

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Estimate-to-Work Order Conversion

Estimate-to-Work Order Conversion

Track the flow of work from estimates to work orders, in order to see exactly how many successful conversions your business is making. You can choose to view how successful your arborist company is at large, or how each individual estimator is performing. This information can be tracked and viewed on a daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or any other custom-date range basis.

Analyze and influence key performance indicators with ArboStar's precise and intuitive reporting.

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Invoice-to-Payment Conversion

Invoice-to-Payment Conversion

Use the data collected by ArboStar to track your invoice-to-payment conversion rate. This is a key metric for any business in the tree-care industry. Invoices aren't helpful if they aren't paid, and tardy invoices lose you money in the long-term. ArboStar allows you to both track and increase your invoice-to-payment conversion rate via automated messaging to your clients. These messages have been proven to increase payment rate and speed, and are both professional and effective.

ArboStar turns raw information about your tree-care company into clear and easy-to-read graphs so that you can track conversion trends for a week, month, year, or from the very start of your company. You can also track any custom date range to be as hyper-specific as you need to be when creating reports and analyzing trends.

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Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting

Using the custom reporting feature from ArboStar you can see your business from multiple different angles in order to glean comprehensive and actionable information about your own productivity.

The set of tools for building custom reports provided by ArboStar is truly limitless. The degree to which you can analyze and make changes to your business for the better is only limited by your imagination.

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